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Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) claims one life every 2 minutes, taking more lives each year than breast cancer, lung cancer, or AIDS. Many appear healthy and have no known family history of heart-related illness. Typically, SCA symptoms are silent until it is too late. On April 2, 2009, Zac Schrah collapsed during high school football practice in Plano due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a common cause of SCA in young people. Living for Zachary was founded in his honor and established to raise awareness of undiagnosed heart issues in teens. 

Frontera is partnering with Living for Zachary and Walgreens to offer potentially life-saving screenings that include an echocardiogram, ECG and blood pressure check. These screenings, performed by Frontera, are non-invasive and take approximately 20 minutes to perform. The screening results are reviewed by a board-certified cardiologist and are ready in approximately 3 business days.

A substantial number of these screenings are available for FREE, due to fundraising efforts, and are available on a first come first serve basis and appointments are necessary. The remainder of these screenings are available at the greatly reduced price of $75. Participants must be between 12-22 years old

Last year, we raised $10,000 and were able to screen over 400 youth for heart conditions that could lead to SCA. This year, we have set a fundraising goal of $50,000 so that we can provide FREE heart screenings for over 1,000 youth.

Screenings will be held July 20 through Aug. 21 at six Walgreens locations in north Dallas.

For more information or to sign up for a screening, please visit: