Rick Barber
Saturday Morning Mindful Meditation



Central Standard Time


Recur every 1 week(s) on Saturday for a maximum of 10 occurrences.


Bethany Lakes Park
745 South Allen Heights Drive
Allen, Texas 75002

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This Is Your Wake-up Call To Saturday Morning Mindful Meditation:)

About this event

Hi Friends, 

 Exciting News! We are promoting our Saturday Morning Live Mindful Meditations again! I was doing this last year very successfully even during the Pandemic! We had numerous Folks join us!

I am offering 10 Sessions for only $10.00 for each Session! You need to Sign up in advance! You cant beat the price.

 So bring your yoga mats or chairs, whatever is comfortable for you!

Look for our bright orange Traffic cones as pictured here under the big "Happy Tree" as we called it last year!

 So Isabel& I look forward to meeting, engaging, and practicing with y'all!

So Sign up now:


What I recommend is: Seek approval from your Primary Care Physician first.

Informed Consent: 

***Mindfulness practice has been known to have the benefits of improved 

concentration, stress reduction, & management of mild symptoms for 

pain, headaches, depression, anxiety, or gastrointestinal discomfort.

The mindfulness meditation exercises may bring forth memories, emotions, 

experiences that may be uncomfortable. Some people may experience 

changes in their sleep or dreams. Seek counseling assistance if you are having 

negative or distressful reactions. If you are in treatment, consult with your 

mental health provider before beginning this course. Advise your mental 

health professional of changes.***

So in essense by signing up, you accept any/all potential risks.


***Our hope is that you can Benefit from all the Benefits listed above.